Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yale Information

Dear Family & Friends of Putney's Global Action programs,

Our Global Action groups have almost finished their time in country and are looking forward to their time back at Yale to present their findings to the entire Global Action community including friends and family of participants. We are all looking forward to this event! Come prepared… the weather may very well be rainy during our time at Yale. Bring an umbrella!

From July 29 to August 3, please direct all communication to the Yale Global Action Office at pstgaia@gmail.com or (203) 436-0557.

If necessary, Global Action directors Diego Merino and Melissa Extein can also be reached on their cell phones, below:

Diego Merino cell: (917) 254-3327
Melissa Extein cell: (561) 504-6325

Below is a follow-up to the blog update you received in June regarding specific information for the second session at Yale.

Presentations: Each presentation typically lasts about 1 hour. The location of all presentations will be at Davies Auditorium at Becton Center, 15 Prospect St.

August 2:
9:00 am: El Salvador
10:30 am: Cambodia
1:00 pm: China
2:30 pm: Madagascar
4:00 pm: India

Final Picnic: There will be an informal picnic immediately following the India presentation (roughly 6 p.m.). This is a chance for parents to meet their child's leaders and other group members, hear stories, and congratulate the groups on their hard work in-country. This Final Picnic will be held at Berkeley College.

Note on Group Dynamics and "Yale Magic": We understand that parents want to spend time with their child after being apart for a month, and we encourage you to come to the presentations and the final picnic. However, your child's program doesn't end until the morning after the presentations! A key part of the Global Action experience is the close relationships students form within their group, and with other Global Action participants in the larger community created at Yale. From past experience we can tell you that they are anxious to participate fully in all presentations and in other activities organized by their leaders. If even a few students are missing from these, the sense of community is lost. Therefore, we ask that you do not take your child away from the program early, or schedule separate time with your child prior to departure. We appreciate your help in maximizing the students' experience at Yale!

Departure Details: Staff members will accompany the students departing by plane, train, and bus to see them off the morning after the presentations. For those students getting picked up by parents - please check in with a staff member before you leave so we can account for everyone!

Lodging & Parking: For those planning to travel to attend the presentations and wishing to stay in New Haven, we recommend any of the hotels listed below. For an interactive map to locate Berkeley College, Davies Auditorium, and close parking please visit: http://business.yale.edu/map/.

The following hotels are within walking distance from our campus:

Omni New Haven Hotel at Yale
155 Temple Street
(800) THE-OMNI
(203) 772-6664

Courtyard by Marriott at Yale
30 Whalley Avenue
(800) 321-2211
(203) 777-6221

New Haven Hotel
229 George Street
(203) 498-3100

Important Information:
  • Davies Auditorium at Becton Center, 15 Prospect St. (location of presentations)
  • Berkeley College South Court, entrance on College St between Wall and Elm Streets. (Global Action accommodations - location of Final Picnic and pick-up). Access Berkeley South from College St between Elm and Wall and then follow the signs toward the Berkeley courtyard. You'll know you're going in the right direction if you're walking toward the huge cathedral-looking library, and Berkeley South will be on your left.
  • (203) 436-0557, (office telephone for Putney's Global Action at Yale)
  • pstgaia@gmail.com, (Global Action email for questions during Yale)